Rivers of the World
Rivers of the World is Thames Festival Trust’s flagship education project, delivered in partnership with the British Council Connecting Classrooms programme. Schools around the world learn about the value of their local river through research, engagement and collaboration. Each year school students are linked with schools overseas (school partnerships). They study their river, or their partner city's river, and, with the help of professional artists, they produce artworks that are exhibited in London and other locations.
During a six year involvement in the project Cabinet of Curiosity worked with pupils aged 11-14 years at secondary schools across London. Pupils and teachers were introduced to new art and design techniques whilst exploring and reflecting on local and global issues and perspectives, building the skills they need for life and work in a global society. Together we produced large-scale artwork for exhibition along the River Thames and around the world in partner countries. The artwork and workshop documentation was made available as an accompanying online resource and a printed catalogue.
We went on a boat trip to the River Thames and researched how it has changed throughout time and what people use it for. I really enjoyed looking at the finished products made by Caroline and Edmond because it was interesting to see what you can make out of paper. The project has shown me that there are many sides to Art. Thank You.
Student, Plumstead Manor School London.
Image credits
RIVERS OF THE WORLD, 2011-2016, Cabinet of Curiosity Studio, Outdoor Touring Exhibition
Film and photos: Courtesy of British Council and Cabinet of Curiosity Studio
Rivers of the Worlds, Thames Festival Trust and British Council, UK,
River Thames, London, UK and International
May 2011- September 2016