Grow Your Own Market Garden

'Grow Your Own Market Garden' was a project combining construction play and gardening for children aged 6-10 years and their families. The activity aimed to celebrate Durham Market, creativity, and communicate ideas about local sustainable food production as well as providing an inspiration for healthy eating.
Cabinet of Curiosity Studio designed and fabricated a small batch production of activity boxes featuring a laser cut cardboard architectural model kit based upon the architecture of Durham Market Hall. The kits included: a recycled seed tray with compost; packet of salad seeds; paper architecture of Durham Market Hall presented as a paper construction toy featuring a silhouette design; simple step-by-step instructions for making the paper scene and growing the seeds.
The boxed Market Gardens were distributed at venues in Durham for children to construct their own miniature market in which to grow salad leaves at home.
Image credits
GROW YOUR OWN MARKET GARDEN, 2022, Cabinet of Curiosity Studio, Paper Toy Model Garden Kit
Photos: Cabinet of Curiosity Studio
Durham, County Durham, UK February-April 2022